Saturday, November 8, 2008

MU Student Gardens CSA & 4th Annual MU New Venture Idea Competition

O.K. it’s been three weeks, but what a three weeks! I have met with Dr. Spain and have a list of people that I need to see, trying to see them all before Thanksgiving break. Received the demographic data from Dr. Martz; I think it’s helping. Still looking for students to join this great project.

Completed our Competitive Analysis on Friday and received the reviews of our Industry Analysis. We’ll need to rework the Industry Analysis since we earned somewhere in the B to B- range on our first attempt.

Turned in our project to the 4th Annual MU New Venture Idea Competition. We’re finalists in the non-profit category. Yea!!! We present at 9:50 AM Cornell Hall Room 15, Friday, November 14, 2008. If we do well enough we could win $1500 total between the four of us. The team is Sally Mayo, Abby Berndt, and Whitney Middleton and myself.

Hoping to be done with as much of the business plan and feasibility study before Thanksgiving break so we can write up for a Federal SARE Grant for our project on break, the deadline is Dec 1st . If it proves too much, it will just have to wait. That’s it for now.

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