We had to come up with a brochure, and our presentation needs some more work but we still won. There were 65 applicants. There were 2 prizes we won. The first prize we won was first place in our class(undergrad) category (non-profit). Then we competed with all the non-profit class winners (3) for and additional $1100. The total prize was $1500 to be split among the team of 4, payable to our student accounts. The judges seemed really interested and the first 3 minute presentation turned into 15 with their questions. The second presentation was 5 minutes and the same happened again, going about 10-12 minutes, with lots of questions. We were able to answer ALL of their questions, with none of the 'I don't know' or 'hadn't thought of that' answers. The judges were really excited about it and talked to us more afterwords. They really loved our brochure. The brochure was just a prop and not meant to be final or anything yet, but I am attaching it so you all may see our work. Please let me know what you think.
I went to the National Small Farm Show here in Columbia and attended a seminar on SPIN (Small Plot Intensive) Gardening with Tim Reinbott, we both thought it would be helpful to this venture. Then I went and met with Tim Reinbott and Leslie Shaw and walked over areas we will be responsible for in the coming growing season. It looks like a total of three tillable acres. All I can say is wow! Lots of work. Sally is working plant production and guide for when to plant, and what to plant where for the next growing season.