Well, Saturday we had a planting day. It was great day for us. We got quite a bit planted. We had some miscommunications, but it will be o.k., but due to this we ended up with the following being planted.
- 800 Row feet of peas (1 variety)
- 400 row feet of cucumbers on 12” centers (4 varieties)
- 1000 row feet of pole green beans (2 varieties)
- 2800 row feet of bush beans (5 varieties)
- 1 – 4x16 raised bed of carrots (3 varieties)
- 52-75 tomato plants (various varieties of heirloom and some hybrids)
- Peppers (I still don’t know how many were planted but we didn’t get to them all)
The good news is that with the different varieties we planted we will have veg. always coming in at different times. So, not every green bean will be ready at the same time.
We still have more to plant this week and get irrigation in ASAP! We had Shakespeare Pizza afterwards. Pictures are to follow in the next few days.
We wish to express our immense gratitude to all who came and help to give us life! We couldn’t have done it without you! Now the rain has come on Monday I am reminded of this quote,
“Man—despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many accomplishments—owes his existence to a six inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.” Unknown

Adam Saunders planting Cucumbers.

Adam again with helper.

Whitney making soil blocks for late season TP.

Laying out the grid for the tomatoes, Dr. Blevins & helper.

Watering the tomatoes in hoop house #4, Whitney & Abby

Finishing the layout in hoop house #5

Hoop house #2 -- cool season veg. is growing nicely!