Friday, May 1, 2009
Tigers for Community Agriculture is now official!
Those who have believed and helped we thank you for your patience, help, and most of We are grateful to you.
From: MU STUDENT LIFE StudentOrgs
Subject: Congratulations!
Dear New Organizations,
Congratulations! Your new organization has been approved and is now fully recognized by the University of Missouri.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday Planting Day with Pictures!
Well, Saturday we had a planting day. It was great day for us. We got quite a bit planted. We had some miscommunications, but it will be o.k., but due to this we ended up with the following being planted.
- 800 Row feet of peas (1 variety)
- 400 row feet of cucumbers on 12” centers (4 varieties)
- 1000 row feet of pole green beans (2 varieties)
- 2800 row feet of bush beans (5 varieties)
- 1 – 4x16 raised bed of carrots (3 varieties)
- 52-75 tomato plants (various varieties of heirloom and some hybrids)
- Peppers (I still don’t know how many were planted but we didn’t get to them all)
The good news is that with the different varieties we planted we will have veg. always coming in at different times. So, not every green bean will be ready at the same time.
We still have more to plant this week and get irrigation in ASAP! We had Shakespeare Pizza afterwards. Pictures are to follow in the next few days.
We wish to express our immense gratitude to all who came and help to give us life! We couldn’t have done it without you! Now the rain has come on Monday I am reminded of this quote,
“Man—despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many accomplishments—owes his existence to a six inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains.” Unknown

Adam Saunders planting Cucumbers.

Adam again with helper.

Whitney making soil blocks for late season TP.

Laying out the grid for the tomatoes, Dr. Blevins & helper.

Watering the tomatoes in hoop house #4, Whitney & Abby

Finishing the layout in hoop house #5

Hoop house #2 -- cool season veg. is growing nicely!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Challenges of a Start-Up
A lot has happened since my last communication. While it was happening, it would probably have been more confusing than enlightening for me to try to explain what was going on. Now that we are mostly through it, I will attempt to summarize and bring all up to speed.
While our project has received much publicity and many think it a worthwhile endeavor, we hit our first big hurdle….well, more like a wall. But, being naive about University policy we did not realize at the time that we had hit a wall. I speak of the hiring freeze that occurred here at MU.
The hiring freeze eliminated the way we had planned to hire 1-2 full time students to help with the CSA. With no income from the CSA, and still needing to make rent, our help had to find other employment. We began the struggle for life, started to fall behind our planting schedule…, and had to pare back our goals. But, we have pulled together as a group and have plants growing in three hoop houses. We have work days scheduled for both this weekend and next weekend….and much additional planting will take place over the next 10 days.
We have benefited from the counsel of Dr. Garton, Lisa Wimmenauer, Tim Reinbott, and others. With their help we have made several changes.
1. We are becoming a student group. The name will be Students for Community Agriculture.
2. Once club status is granted on April 28, we can receive a waiver from the hiring freeze, and hire if we still want/need to do so.
3. We will probably not operate a CSA model this year.
a. We CAN sell crops we grow at Olivet; the “How” is still under discussion.
b. Members of Olivet Church can work in the fields with us students, if there is interest on their part….pending a couple of legal issues.
c. Donations of food to the Food Bank are still permissible and encouraged.
We sincerely appreciate the support we have received as we “slogged” through a number of unanticipated issues. We value the extracurricular learning this project is giving us (most of the time). But, I must admit there are times it felt like the hurdles were pretty high.
More later,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
The longer version, I met with Sarah Ratermann about the possibility of the surveys we need done working for her Master's Program. We think it will, just not this semester. So, that puts the onus on me to write a survey. As this progressed I found out I need to be IRB certified. I still have paper work to fill out to be a student group, and for an EBT machine grant so we can take food stamps.
Sally, Brad, and I planted seeds on Monday afternoon. We are using soil blocks. This is relatively new to people here. Nobody seems to have heard of it. The problem we discovered was that the media we were using was for bedding plants, not germination. Yes, lots of LOL. It's either that or cry. So, Friday I went to Morgan County Seed and got the right stuff. I made the fertilizer mix for the soil block mix on Saturday. Green sand was the limiting reagent.
Also this week, went and talked to some people who could help me understand the hiring freeze. It is negatively affecting this student project. I went to schedule an appointment with Bryan Garton, the Interim Associate Dean and Director of CAFNR, and got right in and talked with him. I am grateful he took the time for us. I hope he can help the way he thinks he might be able to help.
This next week I have to have a rough draft of the survey to the board by Monday night and, finish the paperwork for the grant. When it comes to the paperwork for the student group, I am wondering if maybe we shouldn’t join Sustain Mizzou. Maybe that would be the best for all. I don’t know yet. I will be thinking much on this topic as I fill out the paperwork. I will still need to help plant seed this week, on Monday and Friday. Oh and then there is school and all the work that goes with it. I have a test and a paper due. I also have to have my graduation plan done before I see Dr. Spain on Wednesday morning.
Busy, Busy, Busy,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Olivet Christian Church
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Germination Mats & Starting to Bloom
Sunday I will make a presentation at Olivet Christan Church at 10:30, I hope it goes well.
Sally and I talked about planting dates and it looks like we are getting started on Monday February 16th, 2009 from 1-5 p.m. We will be making soil blocks and planting seed.
We've been working on trying to solve our labor problems, especially for the summer. I was talking to Adam Saunders at the Sustainable Ag Breakfast at Cafe Berlin and he mentioned he had contacts who might be willing to help with the CSA.
I meet with a graduate student in Rural Sociology this week to see if we can work together on some survey's that need to be done. We need to get a survey out around the 1st of March!!
That's all for now, more as it comes.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
New Leadership Team Member
Monday, January 26, 2009
Seeds Bought
Also, bought some soil block makers. I'm so excited!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Great Plains Vegetable Growers Conference Day 3
Next, I went to Record Keeping. It too was something I needed to better improve myself. The Emergency Planning I wanted to go to next was canceled. I then went to a classes on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems, Energy Saving Practices on the Farm, and No-till Using Organic Production. These were interesting, but the last two for me were kind of a let down. Maybe I was expecting too much? I did still learn so much today. I hope I can remember it all and implement it all as well.
I took a wrong turn on the freeway there in KC and boy what an adventure, as we had to go to KS before we could get turned around. I hate driving in KC! I can't say that enough. I hate driving in KC! Anyway, we finally made it back to Bradford around 7:30 p.m. What a day! What a trip! I look forward to going again.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Great Plains Vegetable Growers Conference Day 2
More tomorrow.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Great Plains Vegetable Growers Conference Day 1
Well I came with Tim Reinbott to the Great Plains Vegetable Growers Conference in St. Joseph and I attended the CSA mini-school on today. Tim went to the High Tunnel workshop. I learned quite a bit today. I came with the attitude that if I learned at least one good thing that helped me I had made the right choice. Two pages, front a back, later I say I got my money's worth of helpful information.
I have always considered doing a CSA where the shares are preboxed. In New England they have moved away from that and now do it where people get choices at the place of pick up. This yields higher customer satisfaction and retention.
I learned a lot more but this is all I will write tonight. I am so excited and grateful to be here!